I Am On A Persistent Quest To Drive Down Insurance Costs AND Increase Protection!
Take My PriceTectionā„ Survey!Most agents focus on price only. I focus on the process. The process should always come before the price which will in turn will create the right protection at the right price for you. I don't just do one and done. After I write your insurance we will mutually agree on a timeline of service for the coming year. My goal is to help you manage all aspects of your insurance using a simple process for as long as you need insurance
Auto Insurance
Your biggest danger when it comes to auto insurance is the driver who just wants a cheap quote and has less coverage than you. There are thousands of them out there and if they hit you the coverage on your policy better be correct so you can protect yourself and your family.
You probably covered the other guy properly if you are at fault in an accident, however, most likely no insurance agent spent the time to tell you how to protect yourself from the guy who just wanted cheap insurance. One example is that there are five options for underinsured motorist coverage...didn’t know that huh?...
It’s important to understand what your coverage options are — not just for your car, but for you, and the people you love. Having adequate Car Insurance limits is serious business. Let someone who cares guide you to the right options for your situation.

Home Insurance
It’s New Year’s Eve and the sewer pipe from the street just backed up into your home. Water and sewage covers the first floor. And the smell! Where do you begin? Who do you call? You need to talk to someone who knows the ropes and can get things started; someone who has relationships in the mitigation service industry that can get things moving to clean up the mess fast. Hopefully, you made the right choice when you purchased the policy because that is when the coverage for this disaster needs to be put in place. It’s too late when you can smell the problem.
Umbrella Insurance
You’re driving home with several unrelated people in your car after a nice dinner out, it’s dusk and while making a left turn you fail to see an oncoming car and there is an accident, which is your fault. Everyone in both cars is injured and taken to the hospital. Several months later the first lawsuit arrives at your doorstep. Do you have a plan for that?
Umbrella Insurance is critical to your insurance plan.
Would you have enough insurance to protect your assets or are you going to use them to pay off the lawsuit? Umbrella insurance is a stand-alone liability policy that provides an additional limit of liability over and above your auto and home liability. Get started on an umbrella quote today. Or take my PriceTectionā„ survey to see what else you are missing.

Life Insurance
Which choice would you make for your family 1 or 2?
1.He just wanted to wait until he lost some weight to get covered, too bad the heart attack came a few months later, it didn’t kill him, but now he is uninsurable. He only has coverage until he retires---through his employer..
2. He was the picture of health, the life policy issued right away. His wife and young daughter were the beneficiaries. Six months later he fell asleep on the couch and never woke up. I delivered the $100,000 check to his widow.
Purchasing life insurance is rooted in love. You know what you need to do, do it.
My own choice is to have the life insurance and outlive it!
Landlord Insurance
There is water damage at your rental property and the tenants refuse to pay rent or have to move out. Months of rental income are now lost but the bills have not stopped. This type of situation is the number one claim faced by landlords. The damage to property can be large or small but the loss of rent is continuous until the property is fixed and rented again. That is why I focus on this area in an evaluation of your insurance protection. Do you have the right amount of coverage? How long will that coverage last? Don’t wait until the claim is filed to find out, let’s talk now so you have confidence in your protection.

Commercial Auto Insurance
All commercial auto classes of business are costly. The same issues that exist in the personal auto space – distracted driving, inflated cost of repairs, and the large settlements from lawsuits – are all prevalent in commercial.
One of the best ways to prevent claims is focusing on a culture of safety in your organization. Make education, training, and support widely available to all your employees. Furnish your drivers with safe, well-maintained vehicles. And make sure everyone in your organization is committed to safety.
Through the timeline of service we can plan methods of prevention which become routine so that you will begin to gain control of your costs.
For more information on my Timeline of Service please reach out to Paul.

Commercial General Liability
All reputable businesses should have commercial liability insurance covering them and their customers in the event of an unfortunate accident.
Business is inherently risky, but Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance protects against many known as well as unknown risks.
Simply put, CGL protects you, your business, and your employees from claims involving bodily injury or property damage born out of your business operations. These policies cover the expense of out-of-court settlements, litigation, and judgments awarded by courts.
Here are a few things you can expect General Liability Insurance to cover:
- Lawsuits, Investigations, and Settlements
- Injury Damages
- Advertising/Copyright Claims
Workers Compensation
A key part of running your business is keeping employees safe at work. Workers Compensation coverage provides you and your employees with important protection in the event of injury or sickness caused at the workplace. Insurance premiums can get out of hand quickly because of the complexity of workers compensation coverage. This is the one area of commercial insurance that needs to be closely monitored and managed. Employment practices for getting back to work need to be in place so employees are not out of work and unproductive for long periods of time. Having a specific process which helps you manage practices and costs is an area where I work with you so that premiums don’t get out of control.

Inn Insurance
Inns are unique. The owners live and work in the same place.
For this reason coverage must be provided for the business AND the personal needs of the owner.
This requires:
- Liability coverage for business and personal exposures
- Property coverage is needed for the structure, the business contents, and the personal contents of the owner
- The unique needs of the owner must be fully protected. These may include trusts, charitable and community service, as well as specific high value items like jewelry, fine arts, and antiques
Owning an Inn has many challenges. You are the marketing, human resources, finance, customer service, and reservation departments.
I focus on recovering money you are already spending so that you can use it in another way, making a big difference in your business and your life.
Cyber Liability
- 43% of Cyber attacks target small businesses
- 60 percent of small companies go out of business within six months of falling victim to a data breach or cyber attack.
- The average cost of a ransomware attack on businesses was $133,000.
Once the ransomware attack or data breach occurs you lose control and then the costs add up quickly. You must adhere to laws created to protect the public. Where will that money come from?
Cyber insurance covers your business liability for a data breach that includes sensitive customer information. This could include things like Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, account numbers, driver’s license numbers, and even medical records.
Isn’t it time to make sure your business is fully protected? Contact me today.

Timeline Of Service
Our commitment to you is to review all aspects of your protection periodically with me. I like to manage your insurance, costs and protection. I don’t just sign you up and leave you hanging. Review our process below:

Step 1
Mutually agree on a method of communication you prefer (text, email or phone) and a time you want me to contact you for a review of your policies or lifestyle updates.

Step 2
Follow Through

Step 3
Renewal Analysis

Step 4
Execute any decisions made